Our Wish List
Thank you for viewing our wish list!
The items on our list are essential to running a safe, efficient, and comfortable rescue for our animals. Annually, these items cost us thousands of dollars which could be put towards saving more animals! Our supply needs range in value from $2 – $1,000.
Items we currently need most:
Currently we are NOT in need of:
Sheets, dog costumes, pet strollers, pet ramps/stairs.
We CANNOT accept:​
Fitted bed sheets & pillowcases, human bed or throw pillows, comforters, crib/bed mattresses, baby pack-n-play systems.
Items we love to receive:
Under $15​
Hard chew toys (Kong or similar)
Garbage bags – sturdy, tall kitchen drawstring bags preferred (13 gal)
Laundry Detergent – Unscented liquid preferred (no pods or powder please!)
Sandwich, quart, and 1 gallon baggies
8″ heavy duty zip ties (to secure kennels) – NOT black preferred
Paper towels
Toilet paper

Under $50​
Dog Food – (Iams brand, Purina One or anything from Chuck & Don’s or Costco)
Puppy Food – (Iams brand, Purina One or anything from Chuck & Don’s or Costco)
Kitten & Cat Food (dry food preferred, All Life Stages)
Easy Walk harnesses – large and extra-large Find here
Slip Leads – this style preferred
Under $100​
Wire Kennels (large size preferred)
Gift cards for gas (for transports, home visits, etc)
Chuck & Don’s and Costco Gift Cards (for supplies)
Chewy.com gift card (for supplies)
Under $500​
Canine Coach Gift Card
Wags ‘n Woofs Gift Card
Fun City Dogs Gift Card
iPad with security cord